Saturday, June 16, 2007

♣ Preparing For Final Exam ♣

My first Exam will be at 19 June 19, 2007 that time the paper I was take is TMK 253 that is Computer Security and this is my favorite subject, so I need study hard for score it. First what I do is try to do what my lecture say, “If I can play a game for over the time so what about you do in study as well” …On 15 June 19, 2007 I was try do what my lecturer say at the moment I only can stand in 3 hour, to me it’s hard then the day after day I made it but it only for 7 hour. My study time will be at 8.00pm to 10.00pm then I will continue on the midnight…I’m sure all of you know the side effect if we don’t have enough sleep…then class time is coming that time I feel so sleepy but it’s ok to me...there nothing can stop me from score this subject. My second exam is ENG 263 that is English for IT to me it’s hard to score because I’m the weaker in English so in my heart I say there nothing can do just keep trying and focus on your study…so I take 3 hour for English subject the other I take for my TMK subject…. the thing I like this subject is about the total of word there have no limit and the lecture style so happening that the reason why I like this subject…ermm I think enough for this time I need focus on my study… see later

Sunday, June 10, 2007

♣ The thing will change your feel ♣

This time I would like share my story to all of you...This story is about the one think that make me mad and sad then I feel like want to make something wrong… hehehe...It happen in this week and it not about love or else and it all about made assignment…last night I was make assignment at 8 pm at that time I was make assignment without save then the blackout happen…arrrrrgg!!!!…at the time I feel want to kick my computer but it no happen then I make new after that it coming again…that time I’m really want kick my computer than my friend give some advice to me” if you kick your pc what happen to our entertainment”... than I was think what he say is right …so I make new for that assignment this time in every second I will make save for that file, what we say it`s about safety…then once again happen this time is not only blackout but my computer stuck arrrrgg!!!!...this time it really test my patient in my heart I’m really want kick my pc then I was think “entertainment, entertainment, entertainment” what I goanna do without entertainment maybe that day will be the most boring in the week or month…hahahaha..That all for this post I hope you all enjoy this post…..owh!! I forgot to give piece of advice to all of you “if you making work or assignment by using the computer better you save the file first especially those playing game…if you don’t you will regret in whole your life…heheh”…