Friday, March 28, 2008

♣ The use of Public Speaking in future ♣

The learning of public speaking course will engage my speech communication to the next level. The study of public speaking course will help me to improve my knowledge self-confident understanding of human nature listening skill, critical thinking skill, and organization of thought use of posture and voice and ability to give and accept criticism.
Through my life I will give many type of speech. I will be able to organize my thought logically in order to persuade other the way of thinking. Success in many careers such as those in administration, government, public relation and other. As you all can see the study of public speaking will be applicable through your lifetime.
The more effort I put into this course the more I will get the benefit .thought I may be nervous about the idea of standing before on audience and making a speech, my fears will fade as I progress my skill in this course.

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